FullStack developer, fluent in Python, JavaScript, Flask, React, and more.
Review-a-Loo is a FullStack application that uses Flask-Python on the backend with a SQL database, and React.js on the frontend. Users use the app to search for businesses and leave reviews on their bathrooms. The search feature implements both the Google Places Autocomplete API on the frontend and the Yelp Fusion API on the backend to handle the transfer and fetching of data of nearby establishments. Using AWS S3, users can upload their own profile pictures. The app offers a complete, convenient way for users to find the cleanest bathroom in their vicinity.
Not-Quite-Genius is a FullStack application that uses Flask-Python on the backend with a SQL database, and React.js on the frontend. Users can highlight song lyrics and add their own annotations while playing the song through the React H5 Audio Player. The site displays fully customized styling and layout for an intuitive user interface.
Little Jon is a FullStack application that uses Express on the server-side with a SQL database, and React/Redux on the client-side. The app allows users to search stocks using the IEX Cloud API and display data through the Chart.js React component. Users can virtually buy, sell, or add stocks to their watchlist.
FullStack Skill Set
Design and Developed by UIdeck Built-with Lindy UI Kit